The Kryptos Project

Gary Phillips, the author of the “Kryptos Revisited” web site monitors various Kryptos-Sculpture-related web sites, blogs, and news sources to give you the best in originality and usefulness.  One web site that has stood as a beacon of information in the vast sea of endless Kryptos references is “The Kryptos Project” by Jew-Lee Lann.

Please visit her web site for original Kryptos sources at

This professional source is now among the other “Kryptos Revisited” recommended sites:

Gary Warzin’s Palimpsest Theory

Gary Warzin’s 2001 Palimpsest Theory has been reproduced as a permanent mirror (in memoriam) at!

Discover how this Kryptos enthusiast used Jim Gillogly’s CIA Sculpture report in conjunction with Simon Singh’s “The Code Book” to develop a theory about K4.  Warzin claims that Kryptos is a physical palimpsest with underlying alphabet characters from the Vigenere Tableau peeking through.

CNN B-Roll Transcript (June 2005)

A previously concealed B-Roll transcript from CNN Interviews in June 2005 has been made available at  The transcript was compiled and edited by CNN’s Justine Redman (producer) and Elonka Dunin.

Sanborn discusses details of his CIA Sculpture “Kryptos,” and reveals new information about clues leading up to K4.  He also discloses actual techniques and concepts about k4, noting how it might fit in to the rest of the puzzle.

Read the original transcript here.

Kryptos Employs a Fibonacci Sequence?

Does that CIA Sculpture, Kryptos, employ a Fibonacci Cipher?  Vorlath, a.k.a. “Krazy Kryptos,” has been spinning his Kryptos wheels for some time now.  He proposes at his blog that the misspellings in Kryptos are a clue to be used in conjunction with the misaligned letters of K3.  The position of those misspellings form a Fibonacci Sequence as observed by other sleuths years ago.

What Vorlath suggests is that endYAhR (capital letters depicted here are actually raised letters in the sculpture) is a reversed Fibonacci sequence.  Matter-of-factly, he is correct, and I think the correlation between this and the misspellings is noteworthy if nothing more than one of the hundred thousand insignificant coincidences we could fine in the sculpture.  However, there are other anomalies that suggest “a reverse” of something.  We have the backward ciphertext or tableau.  We have “Antipodes (look up the meaning),” the CIA sculpture’s sister sculpture at the Hirshhorn Museum, and we’re aware of other oddities that may tie a Reverse Fibonacci Sequence into Kryptos.

When Sanborn asked, “Has anyone figured out what those are?  They’re important,” he implied that the misaligned letters could be interpreted with some finality (not to imply certainty) that leads us into the entire algorithm that unlocks the cipher known the world over as K4.  Is, “Yes, Mr. Sanborn, we know what those are.  Now what?” get us any closer to the answers?  I certainly think it’s worth the effort to pursue at this point in time.

Go check out Krazy Kryptos’ recent article: “K3 DYAHR Curiosity

and then peruse the rest of his blog to see the untamed inner-workings of a person who loves puzzles.

Interactive Kryptos Sandbox

Interactive resources are now available at to aid in experimental sleuthing.  You can explore the growing list of helpful tools under the “Interactive Solutions Sandbox” toolbar.  Discover Morse Code Tables, translators, and exclusive solvers related to Kryptos, the sculpture at CIA Headquarters.  Subscribe to the RSS feed on this page to learn about new tools as they become available.  Future plans include an interactive palimpsest solver at the “Interactive Kryptos Sandbox”, a visual Vigenere solver, and many other unique resources pertaining to classical cryptography.

Morse Code Tables

Morse Code Translators

Sanborn’s CIA Sculpture ‘Kryptos’ on ABC World News Tonight

An excerpt from a television segment of ABC World News Tonight which aired April 2, 1991 and was reported by John Martin and hosted by Peter Jennings has been referenced in the network: CIA Kryptos Sculpture by Sanborn: ABC World News Tonight

The original transcript can be found at the following mirror: Elonka’s Kryptos Page.  Additional information may be found at ABC News.

Sanborn’s CIA Kryptos Sculpture in Time Magazine

An excerpt from a Time Magazine (Grapevine) article published Sunday, June 24, 2001 and reported by David Ellis has been referenced in the network: CIA Kryptos Sculpture by Sanborn: Time Magazine (Tribute to Information)

The original story can be found at Time (Grapevine).

Kryptos Sculpture: an ABC News Story

An excerpt from ABC News entitled Nuke Exhibit Depicts ‘Festive Menace’ originally published November 1, 2003 and reported by John Martin in Washington has been referenced in the network: CIA Kryptos Sculpture by Sanborn: ABC News

The original story can be found at ABC News.

Kryptos Sculpture in The Wall Street Journal

An excerpt from The Wall Street Journal entitled CIA Sculpture ‘Kryptos’ Draws Mystery Lovers originally published Friday, May 27, 2005 and authored by John D. McKinnon has been referenced in the network: CIA Kryptos Sculpture by Sanborn: Wall Street Journal

The original article can be found at The Wall Street Journal Online and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  The Wall Street Journal lists this article under an alternate title: The Secret Passages In CIA’s Backyard Draw Mystery Lovers